On Applied Mythology

I like myths.

What drives me to write about myths is how useful they’ve become when it comes to reading the patterns that make headlines today: power shifts amidst a generational turnover, excitement and fear over the unknown, heroics filled with hope and hubris, tricksters messing with the shape of reality… Nothing examines these themes as beautifully and effortlessly as mythology, and I believe that is something worth sharing.

I cannot promise what this Substack’s final form will be. I am often drawn to examine current events and map out their mythological counterparts. I sometimes fantasize about producing an ongoing recap of the Trojan War, the Grail Cycle, the Arabian Nights. At moments, I simply see myself sharing genealogy excerpts I’ve been working on.

I ask that my readers be patient with me as I embark on the quest to produce this chimerical Substack without exactly knowing the end of the story.

The Selection (free)

Regular subscribers will receive the narration of a myth or legend of my choosing, which I’ll break down and comment. Although each entry will likely be stand-alone, I expect to build up a collective taxonomy of myths by memes (my reinterpretation of Lévi-Strauss’ mythemes), so that should be fun.

I aim to produce writing that I would enjoy reading over a cup of coffee, so you can expect these entries to be short, sweet and amusing.

The Commentaries (paid)

Paying subscribers get to dive into the rabbit-hole with me. I’ll build on my myth selection and weave it into media stories and current events, with a dab of lived experience. It’s an unchartered route but I promise to make it worth your while.

Paid subscriptions will help sustain this Substack and the efforts behind it, so thank you for considering your patronage.

Subscribe to Applied Mythology

Short writings about why myths matter.


Mythemes are my themes.